Evolving Light
The lighting controls industry has evolved. DMX512, the control standard across entertainment lighting controls, now offers two-way communications for configuration, monitoring and system setup.
RDM for Lighting Consoles
It is now possible from your lighting console to discover, configure and monitor any RDM enabled device. Where previously hours of time were spent building patch files for a console, now it is possible to simply push a button and automate the process

The upcoming RDMnet standard brings RDM to the network, allowing integration of products from multiple manufacturers in a standardized way for not just control, but feedback and configuration, for the first time
Tools of the Trade
Learn about tools and products which help you use, troubleshoot and discover RDM and RDMnet

RDM for Developers
If you are implementing RDM in your product, we can help. Visit our protocol information pages for engineers, with links to open source code and discussion forums to help you get started.
The RDMnet standard has been published!
22 Sep , 2019ESTA Announces ANSI Approval of RDMnet! ESTA’s Technical Standards Program (TSP) announced today that the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has approved E1.33 RDMnet as an American National Standard. The ANSI designation is universally recognized as a mark of technical diligence and commercial impartiality. Officially known as ANSI E1.33, Entertainment Technology – (RDMnet) Message Transport
ESTA announces Dallas plugfest 2018
10 Jun , 2018The ESTA Control Protocols Plugfest, the event where manufacturers and developers test their products for control network interoperability is scheduled to take place from July 20 to July 23 at the D/FW Marriott Solana in Westlake, Texas. Both ESTA and non-ESTA members are welcome to attend the 16th version of this event. Plugfest is a
ESTA announces Dallas Plugfest, 2017
21 Dec , 2016The next ESTA Control Protocols Plugfest, the event where manufacturers and developers can test their products for interoperability with other manufacturers’ products, is scheduled to take place January 20 thru January 23, 2017, at the D/FW Marriott Solana in Westlake, Texas. Everyone is welcome to attend! Plugfest is an outstanding educational opportunity for control manufacturers
European RDM and sACN Developers Conference and Plugfest – 2016
01 Mar , 2016Details for the next European RDM and sACN Developers Conference and Plugfest are now available at www.plasa.org/rdm. The event will run Wednesday 20th, Thursday 21st and Friday 22nd April 2016, in the UK, at Gatwick Manor, London Road at Lowfield Heath, just south of Gatwick Airport. The Developers Conference provides a European forum for manufacturers,
ESTA Plugfest Returns!
09 Jan , 2016The ESTA Control Protocols Plugfest, the event where manufacturers and developers can test their products for interoperability with other manufacturers’ products, is scheduled to take place January 29 thru February 1 at the D/FW Marriott Solana in Westlake, Texas. Everyone is welcome to attend. Attendees bring controllers, intelligent lights, control protocol analyzers, and various other